Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Favorite Things

Upon seeing the latest school play -The Sound of Music- about two weeks ago, I have been inspired to do a whole thing all on favorite things. I started out taking pictures of books, then I added shoes, then white lace, straw hats, vintage suit cases, teaspoons, Marc Jacobs Daisy, Russian dolls, Recipes, white scrunched leather and glasses. Then I went a little crazy and just started to accessorize everything, including trees, and the oversized, obscure wooden figures in my backyard.
I ended up taking some pretty whimsical pictures that do my favorite things justice.
Love, Kela Nahas

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

An item of import

Kela Nahas, will you go to Prom with me?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sweet Kicks

Happy Saint Patty's Day everyone! I noticed a particular lack of green today at Camas High School, but who needs green when you've got awesome black and white leather lace ups? I've seen sophomore Eden Ramierez before around the school, but never really got the opportunity to officially meet her, let me tell you, she is a doll. I have admired her effortlessly put together outfits from afar, and I am very impressed with her obvious sense of personal style. She definitely stands out in a hollister and abercrombie wearing crowd. So here are some lovely pictures of the lovely Eden, and her lovely outfit. She was also kind enough to answer some questions:

What are you wearing today?
motherhood maternity dress wor as a skirt, (hand me down) thrifted boat neck shirt, fake vintage boxing shoes (The Future, a store in down town Portland)

Who are your style influences?
Audrey Hepburn, Gwen Stefani and Marylin Monroe

What do you like most about Camas?
La Reve Boutique and the shopowner's little dog, the stairs leading downtown that nodbody knows about.

What are you currently listening to?
modest mouse, Flight of the conchords, the cranberrys, chairlift

Monday, February 16, 2009

Lincoln would be proud

Indeed the spirit of Presidents' Day is perfectly exemplified in Incessently Overdressed's own, Anthony Preciado. Let me tell you a little something about Anthony, he is a unique personality who definitely decides to walk to the beat of his own drum, and that beat is one of its own metric level. This can be refelcted in his lovely choice of a red western button down with little American Flags around the collar and a Bald Eagle on the back, gray rolled up slacks, which give off a fifties flair, and striped socks as the cherry on top.

I don't care what any one's mom says about rolled up pants, they rock, especially with any pair of stand out socks.

I say, let freedom ring,

love Kela Nahas

Incessantly Overdressed

Welcome to Incessantly Overdressed-- a blog generally directed towards fine fashionable goods and cool things. We are two hip and cool high school students with an interest in fashion, we are INCESSANTLY OVERDRESSED.
My name is Anthony Preciado and my co-blogger is Kela Nahas (pictured). We will bring you all sorts of interesting things, with the occasional "doing it right" photo. We can't make a blog entirely off of street style, because, as I'm sure you could imagine, high school is barren of cool things.